29 JUN 2014
Potty Training A Hamster
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Bedding | Hamsters | Pet Care
Believe it or not, it is possible to train you hamster to potty in one spot. Because hamsters are clean animals, they generally go to the bathroom in one spot anyway, so all you have to do is find that corner and train him to use the litter box instead of the cage. This will make your cleaning schedule a little easier. Plus, it will confine the waste to one spot that can be emptied frequently and easily. The cage will be cleaner, it will have less ammonia, and it will smell less. Potty training a hamster is ideal for you and the hamster. It may take a little time, but in the end, it is definitely worth it. We will explain what you'll need and and tips for training your hamster how to use the litter box. Litter Box for a Hamster When training your hamster how to use a litter box, you need to make sure that you have the right equipment. The good thing is, finding a hamster potty is not that hard to do, as most pet stores and online pet supply websites will .. [More] hamster home.jpg
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